I've spent the day waiting for three different people from craigslist to come get their stuff.
Nobody showed up. The only thing I got real responses from was the old tires I put on the FREE list, then I got 5 calls, and someone was here in 15 min.
I did get rid of my broken washing machine though. I got it as far as the bottom of the basement stairs but couldn't get it any farther by myself. I set the trap by putting a couple of metal items at the curb; a rusty shelving unit and some chicken wire. Then I sat on the porch and waited. Within 30 min. some scrappers showed up and started loading thier pickup. I said "Hey you guys want a washing machine?" "Sure" Wel it's in the basement you just have to bring it up. "OK" !
Cheapskates! That sucks, but at least you're getting of some things!